Saturday, January 10, 2009

All Things Are Possible

Recently I feel unhappy due to certain things:
1st: My internship application
2nd: Thesis
3rd: Lab work
4th: Etc…

Really feel suffocated with those things. Suddenly feel I lost somewhere else and nobody could help me. I also feel want to give up everything. Annoying!!!! Can someone cheers me up?

A friend of mine for forwarded an email to me and asking me not to give up and stand strong to achieve my goals. As she knows I always fight to the end. Ha-ha!!(I think she look too high on me. Actually I'm not that strong.) Anyway, thanks a lot to you gal!!

So the email goes like this:-

When someone tells you that you can't do something…

Look around…

Consider all options…

Then GO for it…

Use all the things God gave you…

Be creative!!

In the end you will succeed and prove them wrong!

Always remember NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE, if your heart is willing.

So, guys!! Let's don't give up in doing something.


  1. i agree with u nothing is impossible !! just follow what u think is right then u will success !!

  2. yeah... nothing is impossible... impossible is nothing... jia you^^

  3. for every problem , there is a solution


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