Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm craving for so many things nowadays, foods, shoppings, vacations and many many more. Can I?

There is been so long I never went out for shopping and food spree. WHY?

Cause I fall sick for 1 week. Luckily, not H1N1. Okay~Now I regain back my energy and stamina. I want to do everything I want. I don't care.

So, anyone want to join me for a movie or maybe a meal. Hahaha..I'm free nowadays.

Looking for job in a mean time. Sent out my resume to company and waiting for their replies. Why they need to take so long time to decide whether to accept an employee? (LOL...I just sent it out yesterday).

Maybe I'm too bored sitting in the house and become part time maid as quoted by Winnie Lee.LOLs..

Last time working I had been thinking for a holiday or vacation. But somehow, now I want to work. GOSH~ Weird me.

I wanna go for a trip. But somehow, all my friends started to work. Don't know how long I need to wait them. When they free, I "pula" busy.

Till I wait people to ask me out.

Signing out.


  1. sorry dear...
    I am not 'lazy' to blog, but I cannot blog...
    Cos I have switched to a new desk in office. others can see what I am doing... And I got no internet connection at home... I will try to update my blog more, ok?
    I promise...
    I donno whether u realize that I "tweet" more than blog...

  2. SSSmile for you, pleas ssmile back for me


Drops some comment here and I will reply as soon as possible.