Saturday, December 19, 2009

Vegeroni Twisties Pasta

Went to Sunway Pyramid yesterday with my ex colleagues. Ice skates and movie for sure.

Can't believe I still can skate though I don't skate for 4-5 years. Not fall down. *bow*

The other day, I was too free. I don't know why I'm so busy body placed myself in the kitchen. Prepared pasta for lunch for mama and my bro.

Those ingredients that I used.

Tada~ Nom..... Nom....

I know it's a bit ugly but mama and bro said nice and yummy. *blush*

Imma thinking where to go for my X'mas. Anyone going to ask me out? Maybe for a dinner.

I love X'mas very much...

Vegeroni Twisties Pasta's Recipe:

1. Boils the vegeroni in a pot of water (depends the amount you want to cook) till it become soft.

2. Dry them up and put aside.

3. Use olive oil to cook the garlic and other ingredients (depends).

4. After the ingredients are cook, pour the Prego sauce into cooking pan. Here I add some water.

5. Then, put also the vegeroni pasta into the pan and stir them well.

6. Serve while it hot.

It's easy right? Try it.


  1. post up the procedure pls... cos i dunno how to do the dry type.. step by step pls.... ^^

  2. Look like Malaysia style Twisties Pasta... ha ha... special dish...

  3. to Lee Yee,
    thanks for the opinion ya..I hope the steps I provide can help you cause I'm not very good in cooking.

    to ns5095,
    Although it looks funny, but it taste good ok?Hehe..

  4. u should cook for me and let me have a try !! i try ur spahentti before ! it is really very very nice !! u really look like a chef !!

  5. to sabahking~
    As I know, u said I cook not so good coz the spagheti is hard to eat.


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