Saturday, January 16, 2010

A day with 3 Guys

Guess where I had been last Saturday?


My black pepper butter chicken chop.

I went to Sunway Pyramid again!!

Why? Nicholas blamed me ffk him for ice skate outing. I asked ffk you?

"Hey! You need to work on public holiday what. Then all of us free, mai go lo. Cannot blame me o.."

So, we planned ice skate again this time but without RuXuan. Which mean, I am the only girl that went out with 3 guys. Biasa la tu...They treated me as boy also lo..Nevermind lo~

But, before we went to Sunway, Nicholas and I back to Wellness to collect our Dec 2009 salary. *$$*

Kinda pissed off at first cause the HR manager deducted Nicholas's salary with unreasonable reason. Aih~Long story. o0o -.-o0o *If you guys manage to understand what is the symbols mean* LOL

We were late that day. Met with Tert Whei and Kee Hong then. We took some time to decide whether to skate or movie or lunch first.

Discuss...discuss...discuss..Come to conclusion: Lunch>Skating>Movie.

Met up with my bestie, Mei Fung there for lunch. But she was late. So, we only manage to catch up with some latest talk. Quite happy with that cause I had not seen her for a long time though she only stay behind my house. XD

After that, we separate cause she want to shop instead of ice skate. So, gotta catch up with her next time again. =(

Skate...skate...Hmm...not so enjoy as the last time. It's so water-ish. I scared to fall down as I'm not a good skater. Hmm..for the first time, Nicholas can skates very well. I said the truth, Nicholas. Trust me! Next time bring your gf there ya..=P

FYI, I sprained my waist at that time too. Why? Cause the skating court was full of people that day. One malay girl who cannot stood well, pull me and I tried to hold her back. On the other hand, Nicholas holding me (he was trying to save me thou). Imagine, left side malay girl pull, right side Nicholas pull. The clever me, don't know how I twisted, pain ler..First time got this type of feeling.

We then went to watch Sherlock Holmes. At first, I'm quite sleepy. Zzzz...Don't know why I'm so awake after talking to Kee Hong. Rated the movie: 7/10

Kee Hong decided to shop for some clothes. I'm damn tired and wish to go home. But somehow, Nicholas asked for dinner or not. I have no idea at that time and so do Tert Whei. Nicholas suddenly make a U-turn to Ampang road as we almost reached Jalan Kuching. He said bring me to Lookout Point at Ampang there. At first, I thought he just giving me some joke. WTF* It's true. By the time we reached there, we are so hungry already. So, settle down at there.

Answer: Gasoline. The picture above is from Gasoline. Guess correctly?

Damn cold over there. Plus, I'm wearing sleeveless clothes. Sent Tert Whei back to Kepong. Nicholas then sent me back home. Reached home 11.59pm. Mum started nagging for going out the whole day cause I just told her I went to collect cheque and movie. =P

But, I really enjoy myself with the guys that day. Thanks, guys. I'm looking forward for the next outing: Taman Pertanian.

Wait my waist recovered first ya.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you certainly had a great day! Should have posted more pictures to let us see mah... instead of only one picture... but that pic make me hungry also now. :)


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