If I'm a tooth fairy who on the duty to collect tooth fallen off from children, I wish to have several gadgets in order for me to complete my mission.

First, I would have myself the sweets and chocolates producer gadget where I can produce lotsa sweets with different flavours and chocolates. Children love sweets stuffs right? With this gadget I can attract them and once they eat too much...haha...Know what happen? Fallen tooth la..Such an evil am I. =) Aiya..If they hardworking brush their tooth, I'm sure this won't happen lo..So, lesson for today, brush your tooth everyday.

Secondly, I would like to have a tooth GPS which in watch device. This in order for me to locate those children's fallen tooth which they place underneath their pillow. Plus, it's size and convenient to wear it on with no troublesome to use it at anywhere and anytime.

Once I detected the tooth's location, of course I need to the house. So, I need a stop timer gadget to stop the time for a moment. Without this, I will caught as a thief lo..Somemore I need to collect the tooth from the underneath of pillow. Stop timer helps me by stopping the time where no one know what had happened a few minutes ago. Plus, I don't need to wake the children up. Agree?
After the tooth are collected, for sure I will some sweets or chocolates for the children as a reward. LOL...
So that, there will be more tooth fallen.Wahaha...Evil me.
Sometimes, being a fairy is fun too. You can do whatever you want to do.
I'm still believe that there is fairy tale around me.
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