Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Where is the promised happiness from you?

Do you still remember the moments we used to be?

I know we couldn't change or look back to the time. But, I hope it will stay in your memories forever.

From the day, we met in the hall (4 years ago) to the day when you hang off the calls (recently).

I still remembered every little words that spoke from you.

I know, I had been a bad tempered and pampered girlfriend to you. I tend to force you to do something you don't like. I keep on want you to promise me everything, and when you missed the promise, I blame on you.

And the end, you feel I'm not independent enough for you.

I can be independent but I don't want to. I just need you cares and loves for me. Even a simple word does make everything change for that moment but you still insist that action is the best than words. But still, I yet to see any actions from you.

I know that long distance relationship needs alot of efforts and faith to maintain it. I had tried my best. I feel tired for it if only I'm the only person to put effort on it. I want to give up but each time I told myself that give up won't solved the temporary problem between us.

Am I your Mrs. Right?

Do you still love me?

Can we still be the same as last time?

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