Wednesday, July 28, 2010

WTF Girl

Yesterday was the most busy and angry's day I have. Since morning, so many calls from chemical companies regarding my orderings. So, troublesome!!! Running here and there, up and down. Wtf~

The main point is not here. My f*ck out point is this:

One of my labmate, WTF gal, a PhD student. This semester she don't get the place in UKM hostel yet. So, she got to travel everyday from Cheras to UKM, Bangi (only take 30 mins). Because of this, she tends to not to come lab nowadays and maybe because she can't do anything here (Thanks, god. She not in the lab area). If she is in the lab area, she kept on ordering people to do this and that. Not only me, she did ordered other Malay gals. Of course, we got annoyed with that la...Grr...

Hmm..yesterday she came over the lab around 6pm. She found out that I need to ask Dato's signature for the chemicals purchase. So, the WTF gal gave me a call. First call, I ignored. Then, second call..again..Ok..this time I answered just to know what happened. The first things she talked to me regarding my quotation of chemicals la...Then, she moved to her things. said ordering me to get the signature for her scholarship application as well. WTF!!!

Ok..I told that I might be busy this week and I guess hard to get it. She said you also need to get the signature then I should get for her as well. Ok..Fine..WTF!! After I get the signature, I need to help her pass it to dean and get the dean's signature as well. WTF!!! It's just like I'm the one applying the scholarship and not her. Does she share the scholarship with me after she get it? WTF!!

Why can't she does it herself since she is damn free at home. You think people are free like you? How old are you? Are you retarded? WTF!!!

*Sorry for the so many WTF!! post. I'm so....pissed off with all this. *

If you are me, I'm sure you will pissed off too, right? Can't blame me.


1 comment:

  1. seems like ur master life is not so smooth le... but anyway research is like tat. it involves a lot of frustration along the line, but when you get fruitful result, the joy is overwhelming.


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