Thursday, October 25, 2012

Langkawi Island Trip 2012

Feel so cold tonight but I still want to blog about my sunny island mood in Langkawi. Counted I have been in Langkawi for twice. First time was with my family and second time I went there with his family. 

We boarded AA flight to Langkawi. Arrived quite early at LCCT, thus Starbucks coffee was our place to waste our time. LOL...*If not how to go through 2 hours waiting for check in?

This post will blog only about the activities and places that we visited during the trip *Peace.


His mom's hot cappucino.

Us. So sweet!!! FOL!!

We arrived in the night time. We checked in the hotel. *No hotel reviews for this trip* 

Second day,

Guess where we went?

I can't even see the view there. Like Genting Higlands or should I said Kundasang?

Haha....Mama Goai's skill in photo capture. LOL

Got it? No?

Is Langkawi Cable car. The weather on that day was soooooooooooooooooooo windy!!! *Body shaking*

WTF~ what's expression is this? I guess it was raining when I want these sail boats be my background. 

Next station, try guess again.....

Still cannot guess?

Ok more photo.


It's Langkawi Underwater World =)

There are sooooooooooooooo cute!!! How can you all so cute one? Can I have one? 

After that, we went for shopping for chocolates, liquors and etc.

The next day, we went for island hopping.

Act cute. WTF!!

Sea view from our hotel. Blue sky *Love

Beras Basah Island

Snap....snap....before get wet. So sunny!! I miss the beach and the sun.

Then, we head to eagle feeding. The eagles in Langkawi are getting bigger and bigger compared to those I seen 5-6 years back.

Of course la....Everyday got people bring the chicken meats and feed them like a king. Expel them also won't go away. Right?

Then, we headed to Pulau Dayang Bunting. Hmmm....What I can said? This place looks terrible, yes I said TERRIBLE compared to 6 years ago. The water and places are so dirty. Monkeys everywhere snatching tourists food. We just hiked up there like 30 mins, then we head back to waiting point.

Me <3 p="p">
We head back to hotel for clean up and rest before lunch at Langkawi Plaza. I was having headache that day. Not in the mood to walk. 

Eagle. No idea why we wore the same color shirts, pants and shoes. Now only I noticed. FML~

Day 4,

Went around Langkawi to buy chocolates, souvenirs and more alcohols. Haha...

Drop by infamous Pasir Hitam beach.

Nothing interesting here.

Since, almost the whole Langkawi we had wrapped up. No places to go anymore, so we went to Langkawi Wildlife park. Hmm...not bad. Most of the wildlife are here. They walked in the same path tourists walked. FML~ Animals lover may visit here as I think place quite interesting. You can buy foods and feed them. They are so adorable except the crocodiles. LOL. 

Us in Wildlife park. Aren't we adorable?

End a photo of the sea view.

Till then.


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