Sunday, June 7, 2009

Red Eggs

Today is my so called "chinese birthday" which means I grow older 1 year than my actual age. Sad (T___T).

So, dad brought us to Genting Highlands since I can enter the casino. I haven't been to casino before. I wanna get myself a try. Last time when I'm still underage, each time I wanna enter the casino sure block by the security there. This time not excluded from that also. Just now when I wanna enter there, the security guard block me again. (sigh)...Need to show them my IC then. After that only I can enter. (what to do? my appearance looks younger than my real age. :P WTF).

By the way, mum makes me two red eggs for my "chinese birthday". She said this is tradisional way. Then, I asked her why can't she makes other colours such as blue, green or etc. LOLs..

Red eggs.
Oh also my best friends' birthday. Ian and Ivan...the twins. Wishing both of you..
Happy Birthday. XOXO
That's all for today.
Good night.


  1. i've lost a lot of money there.

  2. Happy birthday, you! I can't wait till I'm eligible to enter the casino too =D =D LOL. Guess it must be a Chinese thing. But I'm not much of a gambler. Just curious!

  3. the red eggs evenly 'painted'!

  4. hey baby...happy belated birthday...hope everything fine~~~

  5. to Richard Ling,
    Don't be sad. Money didn't go out, it won't come in as well.

    to ★ whoaamello ★,
    thanks...try to experience the surrounding there. I'm not fancy in gambling also.hehe

    to josephine,
    thanks darling..

    to manyi,
    thanks my darling. I hope you are fine there too. Muacks


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