Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bad luck day

Recently busy with my internship. There are so many works need to be done there. What to do? It's a research center.

I likes the job very much. I likes job got many works and walk here and there (except sales). I don't likes work in the office facing the pc all the times. Besides, after finished all the tasks given, I will damn super bored.

SO, as a office works for me. :P

Alright, back to this then, I know I still got many posts that I haven't blog:
a) facial reviews
b) my internship environment
c) my 22nd birthday celebration
d) tatoo reviews

BUT, today I'm not gonna post all this (above).

Recently not only busy but having myself bad luck (sui-ness).

WHY I said so?

Last 2 days, after I finished work at 430pm sharp, Chik chang~punch my card. Rush for monorail at 433pm. FYI, monorail just 2 minutes walk from my working place. That's why I don't drive to work. Save money, save the environment. WTF~

Okay!!Back to the topic, while I was walking to the monorail station, don't know what happened, pakkk~~fall down on the road. My lappie set aside too. Lucky me there was no car coming at that time. If not, sure die. Won't be sitting here blog this.

OMG~~so many people there. I scream somemore. So paiseh. :(
Faster get up and walked like usual. WTF~ But, I really feel so painful that time. I struggled with the pain. I'm not dare to turn up my pants to have a look on it. Oh ya..I cried in my heart. :(

Then, reach station need to take bus back to home. WTF man~The bus driver super slow. Drive like "eat air" there. Somemore it's traffic jam there. My tears dropped from my eyes suddenly. Faster search for tissue paper there. Rub away all the tears. Told myself not to cry.

When reached my house area, asked mama comes and fetch me. The first things I see my mum. I cried out. Reached home, shower and put medicine on it. So painful~~Ouch ouch..I screamed there.

Scroll down and you will see how painful me at that time.

Before medicine oil

After applied medicine oil. Swollen and reddish especially my right leg. Sob sob..:(

This is the second day. More swollen. :(

SO, today I had my MC for 2 days. Hehe..and got an injection from doctor.

Hope all the sui-ness go away...shu shu go away.

Lesson learned: not to rush while walking. WTF~


  1. yaya u must very very careful next time !! dun walk fast fast !! and do things nice and steady !! i know it is very pain ... hopefully it will be recover soon so that u can continue ur work !!

  2. u know "fatt fong gam"?
    cut one fatt gong gam into 7 wedges, then put them in ur bath tub and take bath.
    It can buang shui...

    good luck!

  3. oh dear...must take good care of ur self...

  4. pity girl...take good care ar...

  5. Poor baby, next time walk like a lady lar, don't rush rush.

  6. to sabahking,
    Okay~get what u mean already. I know I'm so clumsy ma...sad :(

    to Josephine, mum also ask me to do that. Thanks gal.

    to c0co,
    sure my dear. will be more careful next time.

    to manyi,
    okay my dear. I will. No worries.

    to Becklee,
    Ok..will walk more slower next time. no more this happen.


Drops some comment here and I will reply as soon as possible.