Friday, June 19, 2009

My 22nd Birthday Celebration (10/6/2009)

This should be a long time post, maybe ages. Hahahah...

I'm turned 22 years old...abit sad. Why? Old already ma.. No la..The main reason was I need to work on that day. WTF. Another reason was I couldn't celebrate with the "King". :(

However, I can celebrated it with my lovely family. Muahahahah...

They bought me a cake. A chocolate mocha cake. Actually should be tiramisu one. :( Anyway, thank you very much. I love you all. Muacks~~

My birthday's cake. I love the decoration.

Me with birthday cake. Smile*

Papa and I.

Mama and I.

Sis and I.

My bro don't want take photo with me, just because his hair not in a good mood. WTF.

Finally, Junecc with a love. Happy Birthday to June. Muacks.

(Sorry for my messy hair cause just have my shower before that.)

This year, I'm only manage to celebrate with my dear family. This is because my birthday fall onweekdays and my friends couldn't celebrate it for me. What to do? Everyone busy ma...LOLs.

Anyway, thanks for all the birthday wishes and blessings in msn, facebook, friendster and sms. Cherish you guys very much.

Gotta finish up my report. Lecturer coming to visit me this week. Wish me luck.


  1. dear i nver know u r 22!!!!!!!!!1omg u look really young nehx!!!!*-*

  2. hahah.... u look very very young... can pass for a 17 lor. happy belated birthday btw... ^^

  3. hey ....sorry late great u happy birthday...
    so busy with the report recently...
    happy birthday o~~muaks


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