Friday, July 17, 2009


When we grow older, the number of friends we have getting lesser and lesser. Agree? Why I said so?

I used to have a lot of friends in primary and secondary school life. But, everything seems to change when I went for my higher secondary school life (Form 6). This is because most of my friends during form 4 and form 5 went for their college's life. Left only a few of us. This happened again after graduated from form 6. Most of us went to further our studies in different universities and some overseas. Some are located at the same university or maybe same course as well, then this will be good.

For me, I was located to UMS in Sabah which is far away from KL. Of course I make many friends during my uni's life. There were friends for there when you need him/her and friends that make use of you. I do learn how to socialize with different kind of friends. Alright..let's don't talk about my uni's life.

When I'm back to KL for my internship, I suddenly realized when I wanna look for my friends for an outing, the number of my friends getting smaller in size. As last time we used to be one gang (20 of us), and now only left 4-5 of us. Where they are and why this happened?

Fine if some of them went to overseas (Germany, Australia, New York and so on) to further studies. But somehow I couldn't bear is one of my friend betrayed me. (There is a long story if I wanna tell, so skip it). Sometimes, I don't feel like chatting with her. As people said "forget and forgive" will make people more happy. But, I just .....

When ask another friend of mine for yum cha session or an outing, she will always find an excuse to reject me. Sob sob..=( I know she wants to be with here br rather with friend) This makes me sad.

As a conclusion, I can't find a friend to accompany me to go out or anywhere anymore.I just need someone that can share everything with me (in this case, girlfriend rather than boyfriend). It's hard to find a true friend.

*Is it weird if I go for a movie alone since noboody wanna accompany me?*



  1. i agree with u !! it is very hard to find some friend that can always go out with u !! just take it easy !! maybe sabahking want to solo king liao! haha

  2. i agree with you... but there something in life must come and go as life move on. Friend can be momentary and can be forever. momentary friend can be a reason or a season. but one day you meet them on the road side you still will be able to say hey that is my friend and is has being a long time.(If you still remember them la...) So it may not be what you expect from a friend but remember to make it worth it when you still are. so you will never regret that you are friend before.

  3. To sabahking, are you sure you want to be a solo king? hehe... sorry la i always ffk you but not need like that de ma...

  4. sabahking~im trying to be my own sometime but it seem hard.u won't be solo king la

    nelson~agree with u. i always cherish friends around me.why u always ffk sabahking.


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