Monday, July 20, 2009


Butterfly well you landed on my mind

Damn right you landed on my ear and then you crawled inside

And now I see you perfectly behind closed eyes

I want to fly with you and I don't want to lie you

(Part of lyrics from Jason Mraz: Butterfly)

I love butterfly.....

Know why? I love freedom....

I love to fly here and there........

I don't like being in one place from so long.......

So, I love work that can moved here and there.......(so, my mum recommended me to work as cleaner aunty at my sis company....sweat ar....she said so that I got alot of work to do and work here and there...)

Last friday, get body tatoo painted on my arm. There are variety of choices (patterns and colours) to be choose. So, I have choosen "butterfly" as my choice. In addition, there are also varies of butterfly shapes that can be choose.

It's took less than an hour to done my body tatoo. =)

Got blink blink.....XD

Suitable for all types of function/appointment...XD

It's can last for more than 2 weeks time. (Can't get wet within 4 hours after the tatoo was done.)

Price: RM15-RM50 depending on the size and colours of the tatoo choosen.

Anyone interested can contact me then I let my friend know about that.

June with the it so much (jumping here and there)

The butterfly...ehem...actually it's look nice. Just my itchy hand go touch it and see what happen. So, the result is above. (Always listen to what people's said when it is the right). skin is darker. I should choose the brightest colour. Sigh....

June is here.

Listening to Sexy Naughty Bitchy song right now.So, am I sexy or naughty or bitchy. WTF....


  1. Wah ~~ u go do the tatoo~~
    But y~~dun make the 1 which is forever de leh?
    Scare pain??

  2. Manyi~I wanna make the real tatoo.U wanna acc me?Hehe..If got ppl acc, I won't scare of pain one.


Drops some comment here and I will reply as soon as possible.