Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Taman Tasik Tititwangsa

Last weekend, went to Taman Tasik Titiwangsa with my family. Dad said we used to go there when we were small. Alot photos were taken there. So, we wanna see what the differences between last time and now. I'm not gonna post out my baby's photos cause I was damn fat. LOL.

Location map of Taman Tasik Titiwangsa.

Taman Tasik Titiwangsa is located at Jalan Kuantan, Kuala Lumpur. It is a recreational park with facilities such as boat rides, playgrounds, road safety playground, horse rides and other sport facilities. There were alot of changes compare to last time. I still remembered that the lakes there were clean and we can feed fishes there with bread. Now however, I can hardly see any fishes in the lakes. Besides, the colour of the lakes also changed. Turn become greenish. Yuck~Hate that. Pollution everywhere.

Below are some photos taken there.

Notice the blue building: Istana Budaya.

View from Taman Tasik Titiwangsa: Petronas Twin Towers.

Lakes of Titiwangsa.

Notice the colour of the lake.

Love the view of this photos.

Still remember Eyes On Malaysia which was held at Taman Titiwangsa few years ago? This is one of the path.

Boat rides.

Traffic playground. Last time, used to play traffic games with friends with roles such as policeman, motorist and passer bys.

Half way there, I saw this. PAVILION? Where? Where?

Pathway at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa.
Daddy and Mummy.
Four of us.

Really the moment there. I miss my childhood moment. Hope can back to that times where I don't have a lot of things to worry for.

Okay...last few photos of the day: Teaching how to cross the road. WTF...It's just for fun.
Turn left.

Turn right.

Let's cross. LOLs.

I know I am a lazy blogger. I don't update regulary due to alot of things need to settle down. I'm kinda busy people, ok? Busybody...wahaha...


  1. i also want go there to play leh !! it seem like a very nice place leh !!

  2. haha actually you are wrong you are suppose to look left right left then only u can cross the road and you have to cross with a hand put up sign hahaha...

  3. to Sabahking,
    Next time you come KL, I bring you go. It's such a relaxing place to be.

    to manyi,
    Yes, it was fun. XD

    to Lee Yee, time I follow the right way ya...teehee..


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