Friday, September 4, 2009

Moody Me

Received a call from two companies which I applied earlier. One is at Telok Panglima Garang (TPG) which is far away from my house while another one is at Plaza Kelana Jaya (PKJ) which I know where it is located.

TPG there offered me a chemist position which I not really prefer. So, I rather give up for the interview tommorrow. Since, my parent said it's far away.

Then, PKJ offered me a microbiologist job which I much more interested but somehow parent said it was too far. Sigh~ who ask our area not industrial area meh? So that I easy find job lo..

If drive there, dad sure not allow cause traffic jam. Sigh~Which area in KL don't have traffic jam one?

One more thing make me so dissappointed is "the King". He don't even encouraged me to go for it but turn me down for it. All because he think that since it's so troublesome then better give up. Don't want me "bersusah payah". Afterall, he just said he support whatever decision I make.

Now, my mind so turn upside down. I don't know who else I can talk to. Who can really give me an advise? What should I do?

Signing out. Good night everyone.


  1. What decision u make i will always support !! i dun know how to encourage u !! and how i can make the decision for u !! seem u want to try then just go to try !! u must prove to everyone !! If i really encourage u , u will say to me how iam going there !! Then I also cant answer u !! Whatever what i give the answer to u , u will not satisfy !! just follow the way u want to go !!

  2. Yeah I agreed with Sabahking. I think you should just follow your heart. If you like the job, no matter how far you will be willing to go for it as well. You must ask your heart do you really like it?

  3. you friend Lee Yee got a point. put it this way, if you work the job you like you will enjoy doing it for life and you maybe will not quit it but if you do a job you don;t like you will get bore in the end you quit your job and you have to get a new one. which will be more troublesome? Try to make life easy and with smile ya... :)

  4. to sabahking,
    Okay...thank you.

    to Lee Yee,
    Thank gal...I feel much more better now.

    to ns5095,
    thanks dude...i will go for it..

    to manyi,
    thanks babe...muacks..


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