Thursday, January 21, 2010


Just back to uni last night. Feel stress when back here. Why?

There were load of works for me to settle down. Imagine there are four folders/ files stack up on my study table. Journals, assignments, presentation, proposal and etc. Feel like wanna throw all of them to dustbin. WTF*


Not only this, I can't login to my uni's e-journal link. WTF* How to ascess to journals if can't login. Due date coming soon. Oh no~ Tomorrow got to wake up early and go library to settle for it. If not, I will burst to death.

I was thinking whether to go or not next Monday for nuffnang free screening ticket for Fairy Tooth. Yea~I got the invitation for the first time. I wish to go. But, nobody wanna go with me. Seem like I really lack of friend. Aih~

Okay. Give up for that. Who wants the ticket, kindly contact me by tonight.

See..Panda eyes @___@ + Headache.

Now, I damn miss my mama's cooking. Homesick although I can go home once a week. =P

I miss my bed also. At uni, I only sleep for few hours. I can't sleep well. Always awake in the middle of the night.

My last night dinner. Mama rushed home just to cook tempura for me. Love you, my dear mama. XOXO

P/S: Tomorrow got 4 hours lecture. Oh no~ How to live with this? Can't wait to go Kajang with Wai Hoong and Sky after lecture tomorrow. Hehe..


  1. i want the ticket please give me !! i like tooth fairy !!

  2. After tempura, headache and panda eyes all gone liao... :)

  3. to sabahking,
    I pass the ticket to Nelson already. He said it is a nice movie to watch. When you back KL, we go watch together, ok? =)

    to Irenelim,
    Aiks...How you know ar? Homesick always be with me. Haha...=)


Drops some comment here and I will reply as soon as possible.