Saturday, October 16, 2010

Borneo Kellybays, Tuaran, Sabah

Last week, I went to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah to attend Sabahking's convocation. Kota Kinabalu has changed so much after I left there for about a year ago (during my last year convocation). Yet, I still feel Sabah is a nice place to be.

The next day after the his convocation, Sabahking brought me and his family to Borneo Kellybays located at Tuaran, Sabah. Kellybays is one of the most abundant mangrove swamp forest in Malaysia that boasts with the fascinating ecosystem. It is about 40 minutes travel from Kota Kinabalu city.

We walked along the wooden bridge to the waiting special roofed bamboo raft which is the only transportation to cross over the river to Kellybays. Along the way, we noticed there are colourful crabs beneath under the bridge.
 There are many activities visitors have the opportunity to enjoy. For instances, camping, water sport, cultural show, blow pipes, batik painting and etc.
Snapping photo while waiting for the raft to come from Kellybays.
Our bamboo raft arrived.
It's only took 5 minutes to reach our destination. I have a feeling of total getaway from the hassle of city, KL to relax myself. Stress to maximum for my master research.
I'm enjoy the breeze and sun.
Throw in the cage to catch the crabs.

The interior of the Kellybays' restaurant.
As we reached Kellybays, Sabahking brought me to batik painting area. I painted two batiks. Quite nice. But the photos are not available. While waiting for the batik to dry up, we have a competition with the blowpipe activity. The result, Sabahking win the game. I might said I'm NOT "not talented" in this game, just I don't have the potential to become "sakai". (Sabahking, you know what I mean?)

Other than that, at Kellybays, we can occupied with water sports such as banana boat ride, bamboo rafting, surfing and lots more.
Water skate board-ing.
Not to forget, after half day playing and fooling around, we need to recharge energy and our whetting stomach. Kellybays restaurant serves local delicacies. On the day we went, they served us ala carte of local foods. They also served buffet, according to Sabahking who went there last time with his coursemates. 
Top (left-right): Salad, refreshing water. Bottom: Mushroom sup, rice.
Top (left-right): Sesame chicken wings, curry mutton. Bottom: Sweet sour fish and curry squids.
Top (left-right): Sweet curry chicken, mixed vegetables. Bottom: Banana, watermelon and papaya.
After the lunch, we went for banana boat riding. This is the most exciting game. I fell into the river twice while Sabahking fell thrice. =) It's so funny to see only one of the people fell while the rest is still on the boat.

Here, you can go for many times of banana boat that you want. It's had been included in the payment. Why not get yourself wet enough before going back. 

At 3pm, they served us tea break with teh tarik and roti canai.
My tea break.
Batik printing area.
Blow pipe area.
Take a rest while enjoying the breeze on the sea, a great moment to be.
Relaxing on the sleeping net.
Scenery of the sea.
Bye to Kellybays.
Sabahking checking out the traps that we throw in earlier. We don't manage to get anything.

Kellybays is a nice place to be either with your family or friends. I love Sabah.


  1. Kellybay i love you !! nice and wonderful place to enjoy !!

  2. The place seems fun but I have never heard of it. How much you pay? The rate at the island for the banana boat was quite expensive. Those foods seems nice as well. Gosh! it was a lot of fun.

  3. to Sabahking~
    Yea..It was a great place to be. =)

    to Rublyee,
    Sorry for the late reply dear. Kellybays located near the tuaran crocodile farm. U can see the signboard along the way. I forgot how much we pay. Total 4 of us, around rm120+++ after discount. It include everything and u can ride the banana boat as many as u like. It was fun. U gotta gv it a try my dear.


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