Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thoughts of the Day

Lately I had been very busy. Went to uni 6 days a week. Not that my uni is next to my house. I have to drive for an hour to there. So, going and back took me 2 hours a day. I can do so many things in 2 hours time. So, for 1 month time I will do the same thing. I just feel too tired. I want a long long rest after this, I don't care.

Some updates from me. Not much.

a) Lab works:

I need to give 15 rats treatment. Every monday and friday need to clean up their cages *FML. Another new batch of rats are coming in this week. My work loads getting higher. Learned SDS-PAGE and Western Blot from my 2 senior labmates, Kak Premi and Kak Farah. They are so good and nice to be. This week will be the most busy week for me. As I need to killed of the 15 rats for their liver. Hopefully I can manage to finish all my things up. I mean doing the Western Blot assay as well.

b) Shopping:
Last saturday went to Sg Wang, Lot 10 and Uniqlo with mama, sis and bro. Only manage to get myself a jeans. Nothing that fancy me. I want to buy a pair of new sandals and a bag but I could see anything nice there.

c) Craving:
 I'm craving for some food recently. Something sweet. Cakes and chocolates. Feel like a pregnant woman. I think I'm gonna hunt for food next week as I will be a little bit free. Just to get someone accompany me.

It's just a random updates from me.

The end.

Have a nice day!! 

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