Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tanjung Sepat, Bagan Lalang @ Sepang Gold Coast

 Tanjung Sepat is a small fishing village located at Kuala Langat district of Selangor. Last few months, went there with my sisters and brother. This place is becoming tourist attraction with the openings of seafood restaurants and various tourist spots.

I had been hearing from my friends about the resorts that were built on top the water. So eager to have a look. Thus, my sister brought me here. We went there around 10am and reached around 1130am. We dropped by the dragon fruits farm first. 

Your's truly.
Law & Onn's farm
Can you see how reddish those dragon fruits. It's so sweet tasted with the pink purple colour appearance.

They do sell other fruits and some home made jams and honey as well.

After resting for a while, we continue our journey to Sepang Gold Coast. It was a sunny day that I was worried of sun burns. FML.

It was weekend, and there were so many people especially small kids. Making sand castle, playing with water and kites. It was so happy to see the family having their picnic there. I wondering when was the last time my family has picnic.Will make it one day. I promise.

I love sea. I love beach. I love the sun as well.

Spotted the resort.
I heart beach =)

After spending 2 hours there, we went for our lunch. (No photos taken when I was playing the kite and food. Too busy with the kite and food.)

We headed to the mushroom or so called Ganoderma farm. Bought some of their products. I love the Ganoderma drinks. Ganoderma is good for health as I know cause one of my friend is doing the research of it.

Lover's bridge. Hey!! I should walked  with someone else. Where is my Mr. Right at that time? Wondering! Though it's sunny that day but the wind sooth me out there. Just spent some time there photo-shooting. Not more can do. Unless you asked me to jump into the sea. FYL.

 It's around 430pm, my sister brought us to the coffee house where the shop owner make their coffee powder. There are several steps taken to produce a fragrant coffee. *Sorry, I don't drink coffee, so I don't get to taste the coffee. Unless it's Starbucks. FML again.*
Coffee beans.

Nearby this coffee shop, there is a shop sold buns. The queues were so long that we don't want to wait. As I know, the buns are hand made.

The place gave a some kind of "village feels" as they hand made or home made the foods. It's good if we get to taste the differences of foods between the city life.

It's must be much more healthy. FML.

Till here then.

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