Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year 2011


Time flies by very fast. It is a brand new year for me.
As for me 2010 was an amazing year. I met lots of awesome people and lots of things changed. 

How you celebrated new year eve? I celebrated with my beloved darling. He purposely traveled all the way from Johor to KL. We spent our day shopping and watching Vampire Warriors in Sunway Pyramid. Then, we had our dinner in Wong Kor Char Chan Teng. Although it's just an ordinary outing, but I feel happy for it because I got to celebrate my new year with my darling.

I had achieved few of my 2010 resolutions. So, feels so grateful about it.

I hope it will be same goes to this year resolutions.

My 2011 year resolutions:

1) Finish my research works by end of June.

2) Finish my writing by end of Dec (finish my master works).

3) Got a good result for my master CGPA.

4) Travel to overseas (atleast one place) with either family or darling.

5) Save more money. (which means don't spend too much).

6) Gain some weight.

7) Spend more time with family and friends.

8) Be more understand and considerable gf.

9) Find a proper job.

10) Complete all of the lists.

Is it too much for my new year resolutions. I just got a lot of things need to accomplish.

Looking forward to a bright and exciting 2011. Happy New Year to all!

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