Thursday, May 23, 2013

Working Life

In real life,  the end of a story is just the beginning of a new story!

Yes! I started my working life 2 months ago. Can't believe that! I grow up! I'm on my own now. Far away from family and friends.

I miss everyone!

I glad with everything for now. Whatever I want, I got it. Thank yoy for everything!

Working life had been my routine for now on. Morning, wake up, go to work, back home and sleep. I'm enjoying my working life at this moment.  I love my job. True fron the bottom of my heart.

But somehow, the highest I climb, the more difficult for the people to catch me up. They hardly understand my situation.  They might thought that I'm new to them. I have no power to command them work. Communication gap with them. Okay, just some of them, not all.

While others of my colleagues are nice and funny. We make each other laugh all the time.

Hmm...what else? Who else? My boss? Actually he treated me good for now. He tries his best to coach me. But, he's an aggresive guy. Everything need to be fast and urgent. No excuses!

Life needs to go on no matter what happened. You need to face it and deal with it!

My brunch for today! Cheers everyone =)

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