Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Bean

Unhappy? Sad? Here come I cheer you up. =)

But who gonna cheers me up then if I'm sad?

I seldom show off my sadness neither to my family or friends. I will possibly choose to keep it in myself.

Sometimes I just need someone for there to share my problems or just lend his/her shoulder. But it's kinda hard for me to look for someone who can really understand me. Sigh*

Most of my friends know that recently I had been busy looking for my job and settle down for the Korea University applications. All this had makes me sleepless for almost a month.
Pimples popping out here and there =(

I even lost my appetite.

One of my friend who found out my conditions gave 2 little beans. At first, I thought it's just a decorative beans. But somehow, my friend contact me a few days later asking about the bean growth. I feel weird about it and start to ask about it. She explained to me about the beans. Okay..I'm sakai. Don't know those thing. Excuse for my sakai-ness.

So, I followed the ways she taught me.

Happy Beans.

First, I need to soak the bean in the water (Day 1).

The bean will enlarged in size (Day 1-after 30 minutes).

It grow bigger and bigger (Day 1- after 5 hours).

The outer skin of the smiley face started to peel out (Day 2).

The size grow larger than 20 cent.

Continue soaking it in the water.

Check out. The outer skin started to peel out (Day 3).

I took out the outer skin and put the bean on the cotton and some water on it.

Day by day the bean started to grow. Of course you need to provide it water and sunlight
(Day 5).

After so much effort you put on it, the bean become a stalk. See...the leaves are so greenish (After 2 weeks).

It will continue to grow while I will never give up my dreams. I know it's doesn't mean anything with the small kind of things. But, it's does brought a meaningful thing to me. I was my friend simple cheer up message for me. Thanks my dear.

Smile always everyone =)


  1. wah...u so geng, i jiu no patient do it ler~~

  2. to manyi,
    No geng la...and no need patient much care needed..teehee...

  3. I tried planting one of this beans too but failed. Haiz. after reading ur steps I realized that the way I planted it was wrong.

    I'll try it again some day. Thanks for this post :)

    when u r sad, hope that the memory of the smily bean will make u happy again :)


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