Monday, November 23, 2009

Back to Blogsphere

It's has been more than 2 months I didn't update my blog and now I'm back from M.I.A. So, do tell me that you all miss me. :p

So, wanna knows where I had been all this while?

Since I started my working life on the 24th September 2009, I'm less to update my blog and facebook. Once I reach home everyday I'm so tired that straight dragged me to my bed early. Plus, I need to work in the weekends cause my off day is on weekday.

My life have meaningless once I start working in this company: Wellness Laboratories. It's a blood examination laboratory. As a biochemist, we need to learn and do a lot of things such as running all the blood samples from other branches, customer service, take blood and so on. WTF* Salary so low and they expect us to do everything. Not to mention also, deduct every employees salary eventhough we performed well. Late 1 minutes needs to deduct half day salary. Blame the stupid HR manager. "Are you sure you pass your mathematic?" Really pissed off with him. He thought Wellness Lab is his own company meh?

But, I'm going to resign soon. Don't care about him anymore. Don't want to see his stupid face anymore. *angry me*

Every staffs there don't work long. The longest is my lab manager I think...2 years. Others only 1 year and some 2 days. WTF*

Anyway, I got to know alot of new friends there. We get together easily so called "ngam channel's people". Haha....Without them, my life will be totally meaningless although now already half meaningless. Thanks to you all: RuXuan, Fizie, Nicholas, Tert Whei and Kee Hong.

P/S: I'm waiting for the next outing with them. Hehe...
Will try to update my blog as often as possible. Next post will be my convocation's post.


  1. hope u can write more post to me to read cause iam very free everyday !! must hardworking to write the post !!

  2. to Lee Yee,
    I wanna resign cause I will further my master soon. Hehe..

    to sabahking,
    sure i will...

  3. to ns5095,
    thanks...all the best to u too..


Drops some comment here and I will reply as soon as possible.