Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winter Solstice

Yay!!This year I can celebrate "Dong Zhi" with my lovely family. For the past 3 years, I didn't celebrate with them.


Answer: I was abroad........SABAH. =)

Early in the morning, Papa woke me up. Helped Mama makes the "tang yuen". Colourful.

Then, we "bai bai" (pray).

Mama didn't went to work today. So, she cooks us western food for our lunch. Yummy~Love you Mama~~

At night time, we have so called reunion dinner, of course not as reunion as the CNY one la~cause my Er Jie is not around.

Now I'm so full with all the yummy chickens and seafoods. =)

Of course not to forget to have my "tang yuen". After I ate means grow older a year. So, I better not to eat. *Joking*

Definitely I ate.

"Tang Yuen". *There are only 3 colours: Pink, white & green. Not as colourful as I mean.LOL..

Wishing you guys:


1 comment:

  1. ur tang yuen just so so only...... !! but u look so cute in the photo !! can teach me how to take the photo?


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