Friday, April 30, 2010

Hello Kitty

Yay!! I submitted NSF proposal at last. So many obstacles I had gone through for 3 months. Changed this and that non stop, read and understand all every journals and search for journals that are not present. Sinful life. I lost myself overtime.

After go through the first obstacle, second obstacle came. NSF mosti problem. They can't sent my application to my co-supervisor cause previously I put my supervisor's name only. There is a word called "simpan" when I applied online. I thought it would only "simpan" all my data before I proceed. In a meantime, I do add some new data for my profile and so on. "Mana tau", they said once you fill in, mean sent out already. Means, all the while I add all my profile was such a waste thing to do. Grrr~~~

"Beitahan" our government. Luckily, Mr. Syafiq from NSF, MOSTI helped to settle the problem. Thanks, Mr. Syafiq. I think you sure get headache with my problem. Even my co-supervisor also can't manage to take it anymore cause she kept on checking our application through her email. Must be worrying us. Sorry, Dr.

Anyway, everything is settle now. I deserved something to reward myself. Sleep until noon, watch movie, and eat the whole day. NO books, NO journals, and nothing to do. Free myself from everything for one day.
There is still a long journey waiting for me next week.

Not to forget, I release stress by doing shopping and eating. So, I bought new shoes again. Hehe =) Love to buy shoes. Don't know why? Just to reward myself, OKAY?

I bought this shoes at one of the shoplet at Wangsa Maju Carrefour. I like this kind of shoes cause it's simple and nice. Just get into it and walk away. That's easy. Especially when I'm in rush cause I'm always wake up late.

 My blackish blue Hello Kitty shoes.

I used to hate/ scared of cats. I still remembered that someone asking me, " who the hell on this earth will scared of cat one"? I'm one of them. Haha...I also don't know why. Maybe cats too pamper and die also won't let go-kind (cantonese).

Hello Kitty is one of the brand that use "CAT" as their symbol. Don't worry. I just hate real cat.

Hello Kitty.

So fast my precious one day holiday past by. Can I deserve another one day tomorrow? Tomorrow is Labour's Day ma...Can?


  1. I think i will sleep until noon and watch movie and .... without anything after my viva presentation!!

  2. why the hello kitty is not found at the outside one? haha

  3. to Sabahking,
    That's life once we graduate. Need a long rest instead. All the best to you.

    to Rublyee,
    Haha..U mean HELLO KITTY features outside the shoes?Got got got...But I didn't bought. Feel abit childish. So, I bought the normal and simple one. LOL


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