Monday, May 3, 2010

New Room

That's the end of my master first semester. It's so fast that I don't realised what I have done. Today, 9 am drove all the way from my house to UKM alone. Hmm..Traffic smooth. But, near Midvalley there, I almost hit down a motorcyclist. He damn idiot!! Suddenly speed out in front of my fast moving car. Luckily, I manage to break and there was no cars behind me. If not, I will FUCK you cukup cukup.

Okay...I started to become rude. Reached UKM at 10am. Go to my room (15-506), packed all my things. At first, I thought my belongings are very little. OMG~~now I know that's too much man. I have to walk 4568980 times up and down to place them inside my car. Rush to check out cause hear my friend said that queue was too long. Waited and waited. 2 hours. It's my turn. I get my new room (13-425) but I don't have roomate. Which means I have to sleep alone tonight. Sob...sob...

Do cleaning, unpacking, walk here and there. Tired...But I feel bored. So "wuliao" until I go kacau people. LOL..

Starting on this week, I will going to be alone and suffering month to be. Someone please save me~~I'm bored to death.

Exhausted face after doing all the cleaning works.

I want to go home..... =(


  1. why are you moving to a new room? since you are at the end of sem 1? no holiday one ah?

  2. to Rublyee,
    Master no holiday one. Have to continue with our research work. I have to move to new room cause my hostel there only open one block for gal. Some students also stay there for their short semester.

  3. nice photo from u .... !! love it so much !!

  4. to Sabahking,
    Only appearance nice nice..sad...


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