Monday, May 10, 2010

Skin Problem

Skin problems such as pimples, acne or scars are very irritating for everyone especially girls. I used to have all this problems. Don't believe? Ask my parents or my friends. This happened to me when I deeply in stress (exam's time), nervous or during my PMS. My whole family members don't have such problems expcept me. This makes me blame my mama for not eating healthy during her pregnancy. Cause my mama told that she was malnutrition during that times. She can't take any food sometimes. That's why I feel mama is the most beautiful and great person in my life.

Okay, back to the story of skin problems. When I was in high school, pimples started pop-ing up here and there. Besides, my itchy hands can't stop pitching its. This causes some scars. Scolded by my mama then. At that times, I doesn't know much about facial and make up thingy. I used to have pimples and I had go for many solutions such as skin facial and treatments from doctors. However, this doesn't works for me as well. So, my mama asked me to go for facial treatment from the facial expert.

The first time treatment for me is like in the hell, man. She squeezed all my "poisonous" pimples like non of her business. Damn pain. Even my tears started dropping and she wiped it for me. =) After the pains, of course there are some returns. She put some cool herbs masks. Double masks!! Once she put, I'm so pleased. So enjoy and almost fall asleep. * I wanted to upload the photos during the facial but I feel so ugly.*

After few times treatments, I feel my skin condition is getting better and better. Besides the treatment, they also sold a product known as DERMEDEX and I bought it. It's so cheap that only RM23 for two small (economical size) tubes. One is Biotox Refining cream and the another one is Biotox cleanser. This products work well for me. My face's condition not only getting better but also less pimples and acne. *Thumb ups for the products.*

Biotox Refining cream and cleanser. Both in 10g size.

Biotox cleanser: It based on active natural ingredients, it deeply cleanses and unclogs pores while helping to reduce dry, thickened, outer layer of the skin. Regular use will help reveal a fresh, clearer, brighter complexion to dramtically reduce the visible signs of aging, restoring the supple, glowing effect of healthy skin.

Biotox Refining cream: Quick and effective for problem prone skin, such as pimple prone, big open, pores, dull and tired apperance. Regular use will encourage your skin's natural defenses to resist blackheads, reduce redness and irritating and dramtically lightens and restores your youthful radiant complexion.

Want to see the effects?

After one month using the products. My acne and redness have reduced to the max, I can said that. Besides, I feel I'm getting fairer. *Heart this* However, if you notice, there are still some redness on my face due to previous "poisonous pimples".

Having a good skin condition will automatically regain my confidence in meeting people out there. Even some of my jimuis noticed that and asked me.

"This products also stated: 100% 30 days no questions ask. Money back guarantee. Another stars for this products." XD


  1. hello. put a cbox la. so we can easily reach u ma.

  2. wahahaha.. seems like so nice like tat gurantee some more and the price is really cheap la..

  3. to John,
    I lost my cbox. Gotta replace one soon. Be patience.

    to Rublyee,'s really good for acne prone skin.


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