Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I hope. I wish. I want.

Yesterday night I had planned to go home this morning. But somehow, messages from Ping Ping and Mandy saying that Dato' wants to meet all his lab students and RA. Maybe he wanna knows the updates since long time we didn't have any meeting. Oh no...what should I said if he ask what I have done so far? OMG OMG!!! I'm still busy do ordering chemicals things. Plus my cell lines haven't reach. So, I can't do anything. Can I said like that?

Early morning, feel very dizzy. Maybe I didn't take my dinner last night. Go to plant house to collect my plant. Then, headed to Dean's office to ask about my brother's application. They said it has sent out to the Pusat Pengajian and wait for meeting to make decision. Atleast take about 1 month time. OMG!!!Hope everything go smooth. Pray hard for brother.

After that, headed to Bangi town to drive-thru McD since no one accompany me for lunch. Sob sob...T___T. Lunch time at McD was so pack until no parking lot. (Sigh)

Back to hostel and nom nom my Fillet-O-fish and blogging about it. *I'm nomm-ing it now*

Later 430pm got meeting with Dato'. Why can't Dato' makes it abit early or maybe after lunch. So that, I can straight drive home after the meeting. (Sigh). Make me have to stay one more night here. I can't sleep well here. Always get awake in the middle of the night. I don't know why. At home, I sleep like a pig. Even the phone rang, I also can't hear. I think because here, too noisy. I don't understand why those people don't want go to sleep at time around 3am. Screamming and running the whole corridor. Hate that.WTH with them!!!

Another thing I hate the most is the toilet condition of the hostel. The water is in brown-ish colour. Sometimes, I do smell something. I don't dare to use the water when brushing my teeth. Yucks!!!

I want go home now.*Kicking the legs*...I still feel dizzy although I had enough sleep.

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