Saturday, April 24, 2010

Food & Tea

Long due post: I think it was before Chinese New Year where I went Tropicana City with my sis for CNY shopping. * "Oh my goodness!! Such a long time." You might thinking there. *

When we reach there, we rushed for simple and light lunch since we want more time for shopping. So, sis suggested with go for Food & Tea Restaurant. It some sort like Hong Kong Cha Chan Tien.

Reddish Food & Tea's Menu.

The surrounding of the restaurant.

Foods and drinks that we had ordered:

Bubur cha cha with sago. For me, it too milky.

Longan dessert.

Hazelnut + sea coconut. My skin was sick that time. So, have to choose this kind of drinks.

Pork chop burger. Too hard for me to chewed. I took so long to finish it plus it's quite big portion.

Yam cakes. Quite okay with this.

Peanut butter bread.

Fried dumplings.

Actually, I'm not so remembered the name of each of them. For me, the foods there, just so-so only. Not that really delicious.

Overall rated:

Service: 6/10
Food: 6/10
Price: 5/10

Last photo of the day.

Continued my shopping spree then. No photos cause too busy shop and hand full of things. Understand what I'm mean?

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