Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm sorry for the long time no updates. Had been really busy to the maximum till I have no time to log into my blog. There were so many things/ outings for me. I promise I will try my best to update more, OK?

Updates from me,

1) Started my lab work.

2) Problems with proposal. Supervisor said OK, co-supervisor said KO. *Lesson = don't get yourself so many supervisor. So that you don't have headache to follow which one.*

3) Face condition getting better after going for facial treatment. =) Skin getting fairer. ^^

4) Problems with labmates cause she kept on bully me. Although there is no my job, I just kind-hearted helping her. In turns, she treated me likes her slave. Ask me, or I shoud said direct me to this and that. That's why nobody want to do lab works with her. Poor her.

5) Just have gathering with jimuis last week. Happy outings but someone seem like no so like me. No one knows what happened. Only she herself knew it.

6) Happy cause can go home every week now. Home sweet home. Love mama's cooking, my bed, and everything.

7) Waiting for bro back to accompany me for movie.

8) Missing someone there.He had been quite busy lately.

P/S: More food photos will up soon. Stay tuned. =)

A picture of me in case you guys forget my face. LOL.

Have a nice day everyone. =)


  1. so pretty one... go where ah? :D

  2. Rubylee,
    Went to Sunway Pyramid for jimuis gathering last week. That's why need to pan liang liang. LOL.


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