Monday, June 14, 2010

A Day with Anthea

Date: 23rd May 2010 (Sunday)

Anthea, one of my pretty and friendly ex coursemate. She is a blogger too. We used to get close to each other since our first year in uni. I still remembered how we know each other. We were queueing up to register for our japanese language class. At that time, I don't know she was my coursemate. I just knew her hometown friend, Hui Jing. We chatted outside the queue because we went there to early for our registration. * "Anthea, get me right if I'm wrong." * Besides, we stayed in the same hostel (Kampung E). She was a very active sport girl, as I know. She used to go to Sport Complex so often. Whenever I went there sure saw her. "Ehem, she might got other reasons overthere".

She is from Sibu but now working in Miri. Yes!! She came to KL for her short holidays. She asked me out for cuppa drinks. Few days before she came, we kept thinking where to meet. Lastly, she suggested The Curve, since her friend was going to 1Utama that day.

Outing with her was such a great day. We ate and talked non stop. As usual, she will tell me stories and I love her stories. Don't want let you all know what our stories. XD

The first we did was: E.A.T

We went to Sakae Sushi since Anthea said she wanna give a try.

Sakae Sushi's dishes.

Anthea and I. Pretty she? Pretty me? Pretty us?

Very less is it? We are small believe? No? Yes? Don't believe. We ate so little cause we got other plan. Somemore sushi makes us get full so fast. We love sushi very much. Okay, we settled the bill and went for shopping. Anthea wanna bought some souvenir for her cousin as well. She also bought a shirt from MNG. Me, myself didn't bought anything cause I don't have anything to buy in my list.

After 2 hours of shopping, enough to digest our sushi in the stomach, we decided to go to Bubba Gump. Anyone try there before? We went there because Anthea's friend is working there as a manager. We got discount for the food. =)

Second station: Bubba Gump.

Deco inside Bubba Gump. It's just like the movie: Forrest Gump. Anyone watched that?

Us. Fooling around before the food arrived.

 Mr. Faizal, a worker there recommended us to try this dish. Hmm..forgot the name. Let me search for the receipt back first.

It's a kind of garlic bread with a little spicy and salty prawns. The prawns were too fresh. I highly recommend it to everyone. Yummy~~

Drinks. Run Forrest Run and Dr. Pepper.

Run Forrest Run, a mixture of strawberry, banana and peach. It was a nice mixture. Must have a try and I will back to this. But, for Dr. Pepper, it was not my drinks. It tasted like almond drinks.

Isn't this look cute? =)

 This was the nicest photo that I can get. At least our memories is here.

The last photo of the day.

It was a great day with Anthea. "Thanks for that, Anthea. Hope to see you again somewhere else or maybe I will travel to Sibu one day. You gotta work hard since you got a nice boss. Last but not least, I hope you can find your Mr. Right one day and there is no rush for it since you are still young. Love ya."


  1. Oh miri my hometown hehehe... Since I'm job searching got some to intro ka hehe

  2. Miri my hometown haha.. faster ask ur fren intro me job since I'm job searching

  3. to Rublyee, company u r interested too? Didn't plan for furthering ur master?

  4. u didnt bring me go so many place when i go to KL!! Not fair


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