Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hectic Life

Had been really busy nowadays. Busy with so much of things, 24/7, from monday to sunday, from morning to night.

Weekdays and weekends need to have my lab work. No one could understand how hard in handling animals and cell works in once. It's had been a hectic life for me. During weekends, I still have a lot of gathering with my buddies.

I need a break.

There is no HOLIDAY in my dictionary. Semester begin yesterday and I started my lecture today. I was thinking whether I can handle all those stuffs in proper way or not. Sometimes, I think that working is much more better than study. Doing research thing is not as easy as others think. I'm always worry that I can't finish it in 2 years time. Until now, I don't have any results for my study. The progress for my research only 30% where I started plant extraction, cell culture and doing trial for animal studies.

GOSH~~ pray for me, please. Blessing~~

Was looking for someone that really can share anything with me =). Anyone?

Ya...I got my hair short now. Not so short la...Nice? Pretty?

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