Monday, August 8, 2011

Way back to love

Hi peeps,

I'm back finally. It had been a long time since my last blog post. I was busy with my research works all the half year. Good news to be, things are working very well. Almost done half part (60 - 70%) of my research works. I hope it can be finish soon. Hope you guys are doing well too.

There were so many happenings recently in my life. It's goes upside down. I feel restless and think too much all the time. I wish everything does not happened before.

I feel grateful and lucky that someone still be there for me throughout the hardest time in my life. Placing good advice and be my good listener. Although he was tired after work, he still don't mind patiently listen to my problems. As he always said "if there is nothing sad happened in our life, there won't be happy moment in our life. So, just take it as part of our life routine."  =)

Wanna knows who am I talking about? 

Is HIM. My king of life 

Thanks for being there all the time when I need you. Although I always throw tantrums at you but you still cheers me up all the time. Love you so much.

Spent 2 weeks (weekends) continuously with darling. Watched one movie per week. I'm so happy with that.

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