Friday, September 2, 2011

Merdeka Holidays 2011

I began my holidays a week ealier than the actual day. Got my rest enough and spring cleaning before the holidays started. So that I can spent my holiday to the fullest.

On 30th Aug, I went out shopping with my bestie Min Yee. I love the outing with her. Early in the morning, woke up and get ready. This is the first time I drove alone by myself to Mid Valley. As first thought wany to buy macaroon for her. But the shop closed that day. So, next time I buy you okay?

Reached Mid Valley around 1015am but Min Yee was late that day. She took train all the way from Seremban, but Malaysia's KTM service was lousy as usual. Train delayed and packed with people. Pity her stuck in the train for 2 hours.

As she reached, we headed for lunch. So co-incident that I met Viana, my unimate. Such a long time not meet up. It's happened so sudden when I turned my head, at the same time Viana looked at me. The world is so small.
Me and Viana.

Shop around Mid Valley looking for darling's birthday present and ours shop list. Feel tired walking around, we headed to Starbuck for our coffee break and decide whether to buy product for our pretty and younger looking skin.

Thanks for the Starbucks my dear Min Yee.

Min Yee dear.

She can patiently walk around and search things with me. We also shared a lot of opinions and on certain things.

On 31st August, went to BookFest@KLCC with darling. Thought wanna buy quite a number of books but end up only one.

Although I feel freaking tired these few days but I fully enjoyed it.

Signing off~

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1 comment:

  1. why u post churp churp advertisement at here? haha... nice pictures ...


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