Saturday, September 10, 2011

Complicated relationship

What should I do? What should I do? I don't know what should I do next. I lost of idea. 

Sometime, I feel like looking for someone to talk to. But I don't find anyone suitable to talk to. If I found one, he/she no time for me. Sigh~

Right now my feelings are the mixture of: sad, stress, lost, heart break, curious.

I'm no more the cheerful and happy go lucky girl. 

Sometime, I wish I can really talk and share everything with him. I don't know the actual problem is from whom? He? Mine? I just need his ears for me sometimes. He don't had to really said those good or nice words to me. I just want him to listen to me. Know my problems. But I feel annoyed with his so called "consoling words". I don't know. Maybe I start couldn't take his flirting consoling words anymore. Once after I told him again how I felt with those words, he got mad with me. This really make my heart break. I thought you can accept every good and bad of me?   

Running away with tears dropping. Heart break~~~~~

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