Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Family trip to Bukit Malawati & Sekinchan

Family trip to Bukit Malawati and Sekinchan was so blissful. 

Bukit Malawati was a historical place, I bet many of you forgotten about it. *Go get back your history book and read about it or use google*

Nothing much of the trip. Just want to relax and not so stress with our routine tasks. 

As we reached, we bought tour ride to get up the hill. According to my dad, last time they use to drive their own up the hill. Now, we need to pay for it.
My bro, me and my sis on the ride. Waiting patiently for the ride to start the journey.
When we reached, there were a lot of monkeys waiting for everyone. Those monkeys were so wild but cute at the same time. Why I said so? They go for everyone who hold something on their hands. They will robbed like none of your business. LOLs. Don't play play with them.

They we off to Sekinchan, a peaceful fish and paddy village located at Selangor.

Mom and dad.

Sun set.

Me. Don't get cheated with my shirt. I'm NOT in Bali. FML.

We had all these for lunch. You name it. Mostly were seafood as Sekinchan famous with cheap and nice seafood.

While on the way back to home, we dropped by an Orchird's Farm near Batu Arang.

So many types of orchids. Applause to the owner.

Mum bought these two types of orchid. Nice?

I also saw Nepenthes sp. there too. It remind me on my field trip at Sabah. I miss my uni-mates at Sabah. 

Although family trips were short yet, everyone getting together once in a while was such a joy-able moment.


  1. u go there many times already !!!

  2. This is my second time went there. It's near my house and we went to look for seafood. =)


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