Thursday, March 1, 2012

The 4Rs for Emotional Eating Habits

Everyone loves to eat. We cannot survive without foods! Regardless on what you like to eat either it's healthy or not, one main point is to exercise regularly. Exercise helps to burn calories in our body. 

I, myself seldom off to gym or exercise regularly. But I loves to eat whatever I like. I feel lucky that my body weight does not rise up to abnormal levels. The keys for me to keep myself healthy are eat moderately and walking as my exercise. I always walk from A to B, then B to C buildings in my university. Walking around the shopping mall is good choice also since girls love shopping. *Shopping is the main point*. LOLs. It's hard to maintain healthy lifestyle when you're having busy and hectic life.

Back to the topic, what are the 4 Rs to kick out the emotional eating:

First, Remove:

Identify what types of food you instinctively reach out for when you are bored, tired, stresses or depressed. These are called "trigger foods". Be it crackers, cookies, ice cream or potato chips, it's vital that you remove these unhealthy items from your kitchen completely. That means, no hiding them behind the canned goods in the back of your cupboard either. 


Say Bye bye to them. =(

Second, Replace:

It's time to bring on the healthy alternatives instead. If you are craving savoury treats, try popcorn sprinkled with a bit of sea salt. Love ice cream? Tuck into yogurt topped with a drizzle of honey and cold fresh berries. Have a sweet tooth? Savour dark chocolate that's full of antioxidant and essential minerals.

Yogurt is yummy.

Third, Rehydrate:

Feel the junk food beckoning? Reach for a glass of water first. Sometimes the feeling of hunger can be confused with thirst. Once you've downed a glass, wait for 15 minutes to see if the craving subside; usually it completely disappears!

Water is the main source in our body. Drink more water to maintain our skin and body healthy.

Step 4, Rejuvenate:

Get distracted! Soak in a bubble bath, bust your behind doing your favourite exercise routine,play some relaxing tunes or simply read a book. All these will help you take your mind off food!

Good health, good life

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