Thursday, May 31, 2012

Terror at a car park

I'm sure everyone has read about the incident where a lady was abducted by two men in a car park of The Curve shopping mall but luckily she managed to escape as reported in the newspapers yesterday. 

I were so terrified when I read about the news as I always travel alone. I feel sorry for her that the incident happened but at the same time I feel glad that she managed to escape from the terror. She was such a calm lady during the incident and brave enough to fight off with the abductors. Though she suffered some scratches and bruises, lost all her belongings but she was fortunate to escaped from the nightmare. She also wrote about the incident in her Facebook account 

Sometimes, anything can happens to us at anywhere without our expectation. So, please be extra careful and alert all the time especially when you are alone. The rapists/ abductors will hunt for anyone regardless on the age, appearance, poor or rich ladies out there. We also hope that this will not happens to our loved ones and friends or everyone of us. We want a peaceful country!!

Few ways to avoid those incident happens to us:

1) Always walk on busy streets filled with pedestrians cause your best defence is having other people nearby. 

2) Do not hitch a ride with a strangers.

3) Avoid walking to the car park alone. Ask the security guard to escort you to your car. (This is one of their responsibility).

4) Not to wear too much jewelries on your body as this may attracts the thief or rapist.

5) Take a glance around you before you walk to your car and be alert of your surrounding before open your car's door. 

6) Once open the car's door, get into the car straight away and lock the door. You can place your shopping bags by turning you body to the back. *This how I did all the times if I travel alone. I don't even turn on my car engine first. 

It may be more ways to avoid this but I just named a few which is the most important, I think of. 

It's sad, but that's how society has come to be. 

So, ladies out there, please be extra careful all the times, please!! Guys, please try to be with your loved ones wherever they go. Doesn't matter is your girlfriend, mother or friends. 

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