Monday, July 9, 2012

Services vs Safety

Last Friday, I took the new KTM train from my house to uni. First impression was "Wow". Better seats (more seats), clean, big enough for peak hours, got TV some-more (so that small kids can "guai guai" watch Tom & Jerry). 

The services were good. Depart and reach on time (late pun for 5-10 minutes). Still can be accepted. Air-cond not too cold and not too hot. "Ngam ngam" for me. 

But something irritated me was when I seated in the ladies' couch (already stated couch for ladies/ couch untuk wanita), I still don't understand why there are still men got into the couch? I can see that there are Malaysian. "Memang tak paham bahasa, memalukan". Not only that, the men got into the couch and sat down like non of his business. Luckily there were KTM "Pak guard" came and asked them to move. Feel pity for him that he has to move from front ladies couch to the end of ladies couch to do spot check for each station. 

Please lah people out there, how many times have to tell you? 

The interior of the new KTM train. TV (can watch Tom & Jerry). LOLs

Seats for those needed (OKU, senior citizens, pregy women). But if no people in needed, everyone can sit. 

Okay...coming part. The part that I feel sad and angry at the same time.

After I told my BF that the good of the new KTM services, he decided to try it out too. He traveled all the way from Johor to KL then took a train to find me. That day was a great and happy day for both of us though it's just a short period of time. We went for movie, lunch and dinner together.

After dinner, BF decided to take the train services to bus station for him to catch a bus back to Johor. I can said "I make the wrong decision to let him to take the train by himself". "I was wrong telling him the good services". Wrong....wrong....wrong.....

Want to know why.....BF being too kind to let an old uncle to sit during the peak hours. He has to stand all the way to his destination. (Pity BF). Because of being too kind la....his hand-phone got stolen by some idiots. BF already keep his attention to his belongings. No use also. People keep pushing here and there. Too many people during the peak hour. If people want to steal for sure they got their ways. So....bye bye lo...IPHONE!!! I cursed those who steal my BF's hand-phone. The most ideal way to solve this problem, is to provide more train services during peak hours la KTM.....Luckily got ladies couch for me. Maybe KTM can think of creating "good men" couch. LOLs. 

There are so many memories inside the phone. I was so sad and worried for my BF. But BF being so calm, keep persuaded me not to cry. Yes! I cried for 2 days just because his phone gone. Not because it's IPHONE, it's because our memories inside. And that phone was bought together with my phone. We got couple phone. After he lost his hand-phone, I don't have any mood to use my phone anymore. Like no points using it. Cause I only contact him thru that phone all the times and of course some good friends also. 

So, here I hope the KTM safety can be more improved. We as the KTM users will be more secure when we used your services later on. (After this incident, I were a bit reluctant to take KTM anymore and I rather drive from one place to one place). 

In the end, still not satisfied with KTM. 

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