Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Birthday 2012

My birthday. Nope..It's not on July. It's on June. Exactly after one month.

BF came over to celebrate with me and my family. He brought me to Mickey mouse exhibition at Midvalley. He knew I'm a Mickey mouse fans. I love Mickeys so much. Me being so kiasu asked BF to come early so that we can take photos without so crowded with people. And yes! We reached Midvalley around 11am. There were many people who were more kiasu than me. Reach earlier than me. Nevermind...Still can snap. All the Mickeys art were so nice. I wish I can take them home. Applause to all the designer from colleges and artistes. Yay~~

First photo of me with Mickey.

There were so many photos I took but I only selected one or two to post it up. 

BF & I. Love you.

Oh darling, when you want to bring me to Disneyland to meet my Mickeys? 

Reached home, surprised from family. They bought a cake for me. Cause I told my mum I don't want a cake this year. Just have meal together is enough. * If got cake, I have to blow the candles. If got candles means I older a year. Can't accept can't accept I'm old.*

Me and my birthday cake. Spot the TV screen. My name was there. BF so clever to take photo one~ Thank you darling. 

This month was my Chinese calendar birthday. Mama makes me red eggs. It was chinese traditional to have red eggs for our birthday. Oh no...while writing this post, I feel old. I'm not longer a girl, now I'm a lady. Call me pretty lady instead of cute girl.

Reddish eggs.

I wish my wishes for this year come true. Fingers crossed. 

Thank you to my beloved family and BF. I love you all so muchhhhhhhh...

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